Today I am reflecting on thoughts from Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels. This book contains reflections of his leadership lessons learned from years of experience in ministry. It has been a fantastic read for those of you who are passionate about growing the church and leadership development.
As I was reading today, I came across a great question Hybles posed.
"When are leaders at their best?"
As I reflected on his question, I thought about leaders that I have learned from and when they had been the most influential to myself and others. Could it be when they are passionate about what they are investing in? When they find the sweet spot between what they love and what they are gifted in? When they achieve their goals or accomplish a standard of excellence?
Hybels' compelling answer, was "I think leaders are at their very best when they are raising up leaders around them."
I believe this idea is what true leadership means. If you are not influencing those around you and inspiring leaders to take the reigns, what is the point? That is the difference between accomplishing a task and being a true leader. This is how Jesus lead. He deeply invested in a core group of 12 men to carry out the future of the church and to spread it across the nations.
Today I am thankful for the leaders that believed in me and encouraged me in my journey. I am thankful for the small group leaders, instructors, youth pastors, volunteers, and directors who have shepherded me and inspired me with their vision and passion. I am thankful that I was given a chance to lead others in a ministry so long ago. Finally, I am blessed and honored to continue in this legacy of bringing up future church leaders of the church.
I encourage you all to dive into this book and talk about it with your teams. Where are we leading courageously, and where do we fall short? Are we bringing up future leaders or just crossing things off our to-do lists?
May you find joy and peace in leading others by creating future leaders.
Purchase this book for you and your team here.
Monday, August 25, 2014
When Leaders are at Their Best
Posted under Billy Hybles, Courageous Leadership, leaders, leadership, ministry on 2:34 PM by Unknown with
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