To my fellow Christians who are surprised by the election results, please remember to put on love this morning. Show humbleness, grace, and forgiveness to those around you. We show our faith through our love, not our political affiliation. Others will know who we worship by how, when, and who we love.
To my friends who are Hispanic and Latino, I am sorry for the offensive words spoken over you during this election.
To my friends who are Black, I am sorry for the way you have been spoken down to, generalized, and misrepresented.
To my friends who are Muslim, I am so sorry for the hateful rhetoric that has been centered on you and your faith.
To my friends who are immigrants or aliens, I am sorry for the fear you may be facing instead of being embraced by our nation.
To my friends who are a part of the LGBTQ community, I am sorry you have been alienated, hurt, and let down by this political system.
To my friends who have survived sexual assault or abuse, I am sorry that you have experienced the trauma of your past through the disgusting words and actions that have been made front page news.
To my fellow women, I am sorry that we have still not been given a chance to break the glass ceiling, that you are not fairly compensated or promoted for your work, and that this year we didn't make history in the way you may have hoped.
Praying for the grace, mercy, and peace of Christ to be with us all.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
On the 2016 Election Results
Posted under Christian, Donald Trump, Election, election results, Faith on 4:24 AM by Unknown with
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